Wednesday, January 16, 2013

UPDATE: New Years Resolutions, Revelations and Removals

Part 1 
          As an update, I am down four pounds from where I was in the beginning of the year!
          I will take a more recent picture and post it week by week because it will help me stay accountable the more I post as I change from week to week!
          Also, I have returned to my true blonde self (hence I’ve posted the picture of the last time I was a blonde) and I am a new woman! I highly recommend when you need something different to “spice it up”, do something different and add a few streaks! And “um p.s. it works great for men too!”

          Right after the New Year, I began seeing someone new! You know what? People are great teachers because they teach you so much about you! Being a quote, unquote “big girl” I have always had in the back of my mind like so many other “big girls” that men don’t care for “us” and dating would be hard. That is totally not true! Living in Atlanta is a place where “big women” are practically worshipped but receiving praise from people always comes with a cost. I’ve learned that I am not just anybody’s woman, property and I cannot live my life to be “all things to all people”. I have never been afraid of being alone; I have way too much going on for me to live beneath what my full potential is when all I want to be is happy. When a situation is causing happiness to become harder and harder to get that is when I believe God is telling me “it’s time to go!” so on to bigger and better!

          Reader, I encourage you; when you set goals “STICK TO THEM!!!” Do it for yourself and no one else! And do what you have to do not to compromise your standards of yourself. You are the best you there will ever be, God only made only one of you and Jesus Christ paid a high price for you to have life abundantly so you and I don’t have time to live in mediocrity!
          I have found a place to get a tattoo and dedicate it to The Lord! I know Christians getting tattoos is spoken of in the bible:
Leviticus 19:28  (The Message Bible)
“Don’t gash your bodies on behalf of the dead.” Don’t tattoo yourselves. I am God.
          The purpose of my getting a tattoo (my first one on my body) is because it has a different purpose than someone getting a tattoo for body art or to memorialize a loved one. Years ago I heard it said from a few of my friends “you have such a peace about you!” I’m not nonchalant about life; I just have peace of mind and spirit! Also I love honoring my Jewish roots so praying for the peace of Israel will also inspire my design that I get. And lastly IT WILL BE SMALL!!!!

          Also, in my last blog I mentioned praying before I reacted to anything and let me tell you that prayer is the most mind regulating practice that anyone can have! Prayer is simply talking to God and we’ve already have many conversations concerning everything going on. God never get’s tired of hearing from His creation…don’t react, don’t worry about anything, pray about it first!

Until next time…may the peace of God be with you!

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