Sunday, November 25, 2012

London Fletcher is now saved! Hallelujah!

Celebrity News: Redskins' London Fletcher Surrendered His Life to Jesus Christ

NFL linebacker, London Fletcher talks about difficult times in his life before making it as a superstar athlete.  London Fletcher lost his 19 year-old sister who was raped, beaten and murdered, then his mother could not cope and allegedly suffered severe depression.   London Fletcher opens up about why he made a wise decision to surrender his life to Jesus Christ.

The average Sport's celebrity would be ashamed to profess salvation, especially in this age when many of them have allegedly sold their souls to the Devil for fame and fortune, but-London Fletcher is not ashamed to admit he is a child of God.   Fletcher shares his testimony of not only losing his sister and dealing with his mother not being able to cope with her loss, but he admits he had an anger issue and dealt with it by playing football.  He is man enough to admit he did not know how to control his temper and almost lost his life during an argument with a neighbor, but God protected him and allowed him to live.  Although, he signed a million dollar contract, after winning a scholarship to play football for a college university team, then signed his first contract as a free agent with the St. Louis Rams help winning them a few Superbowl's, it did not make him feel complete and he was still angry.  Eventually, Jesus spoke to London Fletcher's heart and when He accepted Jesus into his heart, he finally found peace and joy, something fame and fortune could never give him.

London Fletcher's testimony reveals how great God is.  Jesus Christ is powerful and He is the only One who can take away any rage you may feel deep within your soul.  So, whether you suffered a loss or just angry, because you feel life has treated you unfair, because of how people mistreated you, the only way to erase the anger and sadness you feel is through Jesus Christ.  Only Jesus can make you feel complete, it does not matter who you are, your race, background or age, Jesus wants your soul.  After listening to London Fletcher's testimony, please go straight to our salvation page and accept Christ into your life.  God bless and love you.

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